II International Congress: Metaverse for the Good

II International Congress: Metaverse for the Good

Alicante, 11-12th June 2025

University of Alicante


Pictures of the previous EMRN 2024 conference

Theme: AI and the Metaverse

The European Metaverse Research Network and the Academic Chair for the Responsible Development of the Metaverse of the University of Alicante are launching a Call for Submissions for the II International Congress “Metaverse for the Good”, organized in the framework of the Project on the Implementation of the Charter of Digital Rights financed by the public entity Red.es in Alicante, 11-12 June.


The idea of the metaverse is a vast extended reality set of worlds where physical and virtual reality intersect. It might be inhabited at any one time by millions of people, and as in the real world groups of people can interact with one another in real-time. The virtual metaverse will overlap with the physical world in various ways – for example, walking into a particular place in the physical world may transport you to a virtual place, where you are interacting with life-sized virtual humans who may be anywhere in the real world. Some of those ‘people’ you interact with might not be human but representations of AI agents. This can have far reaching beneficial consequences. For example, an AI agent might be an expert in psychological counselling who can treat millions of clients simultaneously. Another might be explaining to you how you can use some complex machine in the physical world. Another may be teaching mathematics. However, as with any technology there are multiple possibilities for malfeasance. As you walk through a physical street wearing augmented reality spectacles you may be bombarded by virtual humans trying to sell you something (a ‘feature’ you can only switch off by paying a global company). There are boundless possibilities for impersonation and political manipulation, as well as countless positive aspects that we can hardly see today – because as with any new technology, our predictions are likely to be incorrect. Mobile phones and social media have connected people in ways almost unimaginable a few years ago, but they also seem to be threatening democracy – with the loss of a common shared reality to which everyone relates. In this respect the Metaverse, with its immersion and sense of presence, may be orders of magnitude more powerful – positively and negatively.

Call for Submissions

We invite submission of papers and posters, in order to foster new collaborations, and generate new ideas, moving towards a greater chance of envisaging the future. We are also looking forward to exciting and inspiring keynotes and panels that enable a multi stakeholder dialogue.

Papers on the theme of the intersection of AI and the Metaverse will be especially welcome, for example (but not limited to):

  • Using AI to program or provide graphical models for the metaverse

  • AI agents populating the metaverse

  • AI based applications such as in entertainment, health, business or other fields

  • AI ethical considerations, digital rights, and the regulatory framework

By bringing research, industry and policy makers together to engage in an open discussion we can enhance the probability of a ‘metaverse for the good’.

We encourage participation of younger researchers, so there will be a special session for rapid presentations corresponding to submitted posters.

Types of Submission

6 side paper corresponding to a 20-30 minute talk at the conference

1-2 side Abstract  corresponding to a poster and a flash talk at the conference

1-2 side Abstract corresponding to a PhD student submission of what they are working on, this can be with or without a poster, and will be a flash talk at the conference.


All submissions are due Friday 18th April, midnight (Paris, Madrid).

Authors will be notified by Friday 2nd May.


All submissions must be as a PDF only  and sent to the following address:


with subject header: “EMRN 2025 X”

where X = ‘Full Paper’ or ‘Abstract for a Poster’ or ‘PhD Abstract


Please use the Frontiers journals format for all submissions.

See the section Templates’ on https://www.frontiersin.org/guidelines/author-guidelines


Registration for the event will be open shortly.

First Confirmed Keynote Speaker

We are pleased to announce Dr. Olaf Blanke as a first keynote speaker at the II International Congress Metaverse for the Good. Dr. Blanke is Founding Director of the Center for Neuroprosthetics at EPFL, where he holds the Bertarelli Foundation Chair in Cognitive Neuroprosthetics. He also directs the Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and is Professor of Neurology at the University Hospital of Geneva.

Stay tuned—more speaker announcements coming soon. We look forward to welcoming you in Alicante!

Programme Committee: