I International Congress: "Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse" Final Program

The Academic Chair for the Responsible Development of the Metaverse is pleased to announce its I International Congress: “Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse. The event will be held at the University of Alicante on 13th and 14th June (Venue: Salón de Actos, Building Germán Bernácer). The event is free of charge but requires registration

After a successful call for papers, we have selected 24 abstracts distributed in six different panels:

  • Metaverse Governance
  • Avatars and Digital Identity in the Metaverse
  • Privacy and Personal Data Protection in the Metaverse
  • Intellectual Property and the Metaverse
  • Content and Behavior Moderation in the Metaverse
  • Virtual Worlds as Markets


The presentation of the abstracts will be followed by the assessment of two discussants coming for different research centres in Europe and representatives of the Metaverse-related Industry. 

Do not miss this exceptional opportunity to join a unique event in Europe!

Check out our draft program here

If you want to attend, you can register in the following link

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