Conferencia sobre Derecho internacional privado y Metaverso en ENGAGE, 15 febrero 2024.
La Academia Mexicana de Derecho internacional privado y comparado en colaboración con la Cátedra para el desarrollo responsable del Metaverso (Universidad de Alicante) y el Proyecto PAPIME PE309424, han organizado la mesa 3 de las “Charlas en el Metaverso”, que tendrá lugar, el próximo jueves 15 de febrero 2024, a las 16.00 CEST (11:00 en México), en la plataforma de mundos virtuales ENGAGE.
Webinar VI: Interoperability in the Metaverse
RECORDING AVAILABLE | On the 4th December, the Spanish & Portuguese Chapter of Licensing Executive Society International (LESI) and the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse organized the Webinar “Interoperability in the Metaverse”.
Webinar V: Exploring Content Moderation Challenges in the Metaverse.
RECORDING AVAILABLE | Last Tuesday 14 November 2023 the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse, in cooperation with the G-IPTech Centre at the School of Law of Queen’s University Belfast, hosted the Webinar “Exploring Content Moderation Challenges in the Metaverse”.
Webinar IV: Personal Data Processing within Immersive Virtual Worlds: Compliance Challenges of the GDPR.
RECORDING AVAILABLE. Tuesday 31st October 2023 the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse celebrated the Webinar on “Personal Data Processing within Immersive Virtual Worlds: Compliance Challenges of the GDPR”. In this amazing session,
Propiedad, transmisión y herencia de activos digitales en el Metaverso
GRABACIÓN DISPONIBLE | El pasado lunes 10 de julio la Cátedra Metaverso UA y la Cátedra de Derecho Notarial de la Universidad de Alicante celebraron la conferencia virtual “Propiedad, transmisión y herencia de activos digitales en el metaverso”
Webinar III: Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2
RECORDING AVAILABLE | Last Monday, 3 july 2023 the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse and the Cátedra Fundación Integra sobre Identidad y Derechos Digitales held the Webinar “Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2”
Webinar II: Avatars and the Protection of Digital Identities in the Metaverse
RECORDING AVAILABLE | Last Monday, 26 June 2023 the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse held the webinar “Avatars and The Protection of Digital Identities in the Metaverse”. This has been the first event dedicated to this topic and will be completed with the webinar that will take place next Monday, 3th July 2023 called “Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2”.
Webinar I: The European Digital Acts and the Metaverse: Fit for Purpose?
RECORDING AVAILABLE | Last Monday, 5 June 2023, at 16:30 (CET), the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse held its first webinar entitled «The European Digital Acts and the Metaverse: Fit for Purpose?».
Webinar “Ethical Challenges for the Responsible Development of the Metaverse (I)”, online, 17 May 2023.
RECORDING AVAILABLE | The first webinar of the MetaverseUA Chair on «Ethical challenges for the responsible development of the Metaverse (I)» took place last 17th of May.
Conference «New challenges of data protection in AI and the Metaverse» by Leonardo Cervera-Navas, in Alicante and online, 11 May 2023
RECORDING AVAILABLE | On the past day May 11th took place at the University of Alicante, with a significant attendance both in person and via streaming, the conference «New Challenges of Data Protection in AI and the Metaverse»