
The Chair plans to organize or participate in three categories of ativities:

  • Bimonthly Webinars to discuss papers prepared by prominent scholars in Europe about the regulatory and ethical aspects of the metaverse identified in six Action Lines

  • An Annual Conference to be held in Alicante in the fourth quarter of the year.
  • Activities in collaboration with third parties (Side Activities). If you are interested in working with us, you can contact us and propose an activity with a detailed budget.

During its first meeting held in Alicante in February 2023, the Scientific Committee decided to focus the activities for the year 2023 on six Action Lines. Activities will be announced on our website. We invite you to subscribe to our distribution list in the footer of this page if you wish to receive the announcements by email.

Upcoming activities

International Congress: Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse

Activity log

II International Congress: Metaverse for the Good

A Thursday in the Metaverse #3 – Featuring Larry A. DiMatteo

A Thursday in the Metaverse #2 – Featuring Brittan Heller

A Thursday in the Metaverse #1 – Featuring Anselm Küsters

Summer Send-off Surprise: Delve into the Proceedings of our International Congress!

International Congress «Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse» – 14th June

International Congress «Towards a Responsible Development of the Metaverse» – 13th June

Hit that play button: Congress recordings now available!

Webinar VII: Protection of Privacy in Virtual Worlds

Webinar in cooperation with EUIPO and EPO: Protection of Privacy in Virtual Worlds

Metaverse for Dummies

Conferencia sobre Derecho internacional privado y Metaverso en ENGAGE, 15 febrero 2024.

Webinar VI: Interoperability in the Metaverse

Webinar V: Exploring Content Moderation Challenges in the Metaverse.

Webinar IV: Personal Data Processing within Immersive Virtual Worlds: Compliance Challenges of the GDPR.

Propiedad, transmisión y herencia de activos digitales en el Metaverso

Webinar III: Decentralised Digital Identity in the Metaverse under eIDAS 2

Webinar II: Avatars and the Protection of Digital Identities in the Metaverse

Webinar I: The European Digital Acts and the Metaverse: Fit for Purpose?

Webinar “Ethical Challenges for the Responsible Development of the Metaverse (I)”, online, 17 May 2023.

Conference «New challenges of data protection in AI and the Metaverse» by Leonardo Cervera-Navas, in Alicante and online, 11 May 2023 

Panel “Regulando el Metaverso” en Valencia, 5 de mayo 2023.

«Digital rights in the Metaverse»: presentation of the Chair in Madrid and round table discussion.

«Business models in the Metaverse and its regulation»: presentation of the Chair in Alicante and round table discussion